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370 pages
ISBN: 978-1-5165-3136-3
The Family in Global Perspective: A Gendered Journey
(2nd Edition, Cognella, 2019)
The second edition of The Family in Global Perspective: A Gendered Journey explores the differences and similarities in family structures around the globe. Students learn how factors such as location, culture, and globalization influence how families function and also shape the unique experiences of family members. The lens is that of a gendered journey through which we see how families operate as a result of global forces.
The book begins with a chapter featuring vignettes from the author’s worldwide travels, emphasizing her observations regarding family life. Proceeding chapters examine the purposes and goals of family life, the history of the family in the West, Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and how capitalism and power differentials impact family life. Students are provided with a theoretical understanding on families and information on how gender relations, race, ethnicity, class, and other structural conditions affect the family. The text addresses love, marriage, the end of relationships, intergenerational relations, refugees, immigrants, families of prisoners, violence, and domestic violence globally. The final chapter explores the impact of globalization and the future of the family, particularly as it relates to the impact of technology, religion, and social policies on family life
The Family in Global Perspective effectively demonstrates how families around the world are impacted by social, economic, and political change. It is ideal for courses in family studies, sociology, global studies, cultural studies, social work, and counseling.

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370 pages
ISBN: 978-1-5165-3136-3

The Queen Mothers of Essakado in Ghana (Photo Credit: Rita Enders)